Guide: Where your app is installed and logs
Please Note: this guide assumes you have looked through:
Your app is always installed entirely into one 'master' folder. This master folder contains multiple versions of your app (if there have been multiple versions run) that are automatically managed and deleted when they become too old along with a folder where your app can store data which remains unchanged and constant across version upgrades. Virtual apps are all contained within each version of your app. You can access this folder using:
along with a wide range of other aspects of your apps installation.
Logs for your app are always contained in a 'logs' folder under the master folder, are produced for every run and are automatically rotated after a given number of runs to prevent the folder from getting too large.
For single-user and temporary runs the app is installed in the following places:
For all-user runs the app is installed in the following places:
Your app is always installed entirely into one 'master' folder. This master folder contains multiple versions of your app (if there have been multiple versions run) that are automatically managed and deleted when they become too old along with a folder where your app can store data which remains unchanged and constant across version upgrades. Virtual apps are all contained within each version of your app. You can access this folder using:
along with a wide range of other aspects of your apps installation.
Logs for your app are always contained in a 'logs' folder under the master folder, are produced for every run and are automatically rotated after a given number of runs to prevent the folder from getting too large.
For single-user and temporary runs the app is installed in the following places:
- Windows: %APPDATA%\JWrapper-AppName
- Linux: (user home dir)/.JWrapper/JWrapper-AppName
- MacOS: (user home dir)/Library/Application Support/JWrapper-AppName
For all-user runs the app is installed in the following places:
- Windows XP: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\JWrapper-AppName
- Windows Vista or later: %PROGRAMDATA%\JWrapper-AppName
- Linux: /opt/JWrapper-AppName
- MacOS: /Library/Application Support/JWrapper-AppName